Elemental Reiki

This training provides full practitioner training in the Elemental Reiki system and several other powerful healing modalities designed to heal and balance someone’s full energetic system. As a healer, you will be given a large variety of healing tools and rituals designed to serve your community.

This newly evolved form of Reiki is both powerful and gentle and provides deep purification, healing, empowerment, and guidance. The Elemental energy is highly refined and comes through as a pure elemental chi force, this effective healing modality attunes you to the pure life force energy that is responsible for creating the very fabric of our universe. As you are attuned to these energies, you are taught to channel them to others for the purpose of healing, purification, empowerment, and enlightenment.


As you channel these energies, you will also benefit from healing and transformation. As you heal, clear, purify and empower your clients you will further heal and enlighten yourself as you serve your community.

You will receive an attunement for each element, learning how to unlock and flow this pure healing chi. You will also learn very specific healing modalities working with the different systems of the body, designed to balance and realign the human structure.


Within the earth reiki training, we will focus on the physical healing of the body. Working with pure elemental earth chi. You will first receive an attunement and several ritual preparation tools. You will then be handed down a series of energetic balancing techniques including the pure earth chi reiki modality. 


We will then do the water reiki attunments, which work on healing the emotional body. The majority of the human body is made up of water; this water body gets programmed continuously by the world around us, storing trauma and emotional memories on a very deep cellular level of being. Working with the pure elemental chi of water, we will learn how to begin releasing this stagnant emotion and will learn how to begin purifying our internal waters. Again, you will receive attunement and unique healing modalities for this work. 


Air reiki is more focused on the etheric system and the layers of our aura. We will study and work with these layers and systems and learn basic etheric reconstruction. We will learn how to cleanse, clear and heal the auric and etheric structure safely and effectively. You will also be attuned to the air reiki modality.


In Fire Reiki, the focus will be on working on the heart and soul body. You will be attuned to fire reiki, which helps to open and heal the heart and restore the soul and body and you will also be able to offer distance healing, bringing all the elements together.


The training will progressively advance as we move through the various sessions. You do not need any prior healing training to attend this program.

What’s Covered:

Creating space for healing

Earth Reiki attunement

Earth Reiki modality

Negative Cap Removal

Magnetic Lines balancing

Chakra Balancing

Water Reiki attunement

Aura Balance

Elemental Lines Balancing

Elemental Petal Opening

Air Reiki attunement

Air Reiki modality

Etheric Reconstruction Basic

Fire Reiki attunement

Fire Reiki modality

Distance healing

Full Healers Day integration training

Healer personal hygiene and good practice  


Some of the benefits for students include:

·      Continuous and spontaneous healing of issues as they arise

·      A deep respect for free will and the laws of creation

·      Deep healing without distress

·      Clears mental clutter and helps with mental health issues like stress and anxiety

·      Removes heavy etheric armour that prevents you from healing and opening up

·      Moves you into your authenticity and your heart’s purpose

·      Healing of interpersonal relationships and interactions with others

·      Opens your heart up to love

·      Release of worry replaced with a sense of safety in a most profound way

·      Develop traits that are beneficial for a person such as love, kindness, confidence, trust, joy and peace.

·      Once relieved, it continues to develop itself to be more evolved and effective.


Elemental Reiki is a powerful and effective healing modality, and it attunes you to the pure elemental chi that is responsible for creating the universe. As you are attuned to these energies, you are taught to channel them to others for the purpose of healing, purification, empowerment, and enlightenment.


 As you channel these energies which are the very rays of creation, you will also receive the benefit of the light. As you heal, clear, purify and empower your clients you will further heal and enlighten yourself.


This is for anyone

-       Wanting to deepen their only healing journey and learn tools and techniques to support their journey.

-       Wanting to take responsibility for their own healing, path and growth.

-       Someone seeking to be of more service to others, the community, and the planet.

-       Someone with an open mind.

-       Anyone drawn to the path of the healer and wants to explore this dimension of self

-       Wanting to deepen the path of know themselves

-       Anyone seeking evolution/ rapid transformation

-       Anyone wanting to study healing within a traditional lineage

-       Anyone looking to gain more control over their mind/ negative ego

-       Anyone seeking energetic integrity and hygiene practices to help evolve their practice and service to others  

-       Anyone drawn to the mysteries of life and the universe

-       Anyone who desires a deeper connection to their guides and guardians.

-       Learn to connect deeper and receive guidance through alchemical meditation practices

-       Ready to take responsibility for their personal life path and evolution

-       For someone ready to step into their power and take ownership for the responsibility of that shift.


Frequently asked questions?


1.     How long is the programme?

2 months long – A two-hour session once a week for 8 weeks or four days, held in person.


2.     What can I expect from a group programme?

 The group containers are small, so everyone gets access to the teacher; this is also so everyone within the group gets the opportunity to share and ask questions.

The group sessions are particularly powerful as you also learn from the other people going through the journey with you, making connections and friendships.

You will also get to pair up and work with other people, which is great practice for building your confidence and experience as a practitioner.


3.     If I have any questions about the programme, where do I go?

 You can email questions to templeofostara@gmail.com or book a discovery call with me using the link below.


4.     Can I pay for it in instalments?

 Yes, we have an instalment option across 3 months of 3 payments for every programme.


5.     What if I miss a session?

 We encourage everyone to attend the programme live. We record each session and will upload the material each week. But ask that you watch the class within 3 days so you can keep on track with the progression of the class.


6.     Will there be homework throughout?

 We set a task or two each week; you can do this in your own time and it shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes to an hour or so each week.


7.     How will I expect to feel during the programme?

 This is a programme which is designed to help you with your personal development, deep healing and transformation, this process can make you feel both up and down. There will be moments of high energy, clarity and joy and most likely moments of doubt, fear and fatigue as you begin breaking down old habits.

 With the healer programme, you will be integrating a lot of light and energy. Integrating various elemental attunements and tools can also make you feel both energised and tired at times. Some elements will be easier to work through than others, and this really depends on your elemental makeup.

 Even when the process becomes challenging, I always encourage people to really stick it out until the end as this is where the breakthrough moment usually happens. Taking responsibility for your transformation means showing up consistently, no matter how you are feeling. This is how we move through the challenges, emotions, and resistance.


8.     How often do the programmes run?

We run this programme only once a year sometimes twice.


9.     Do I need to do anything in preparation for this training?

To create the space to commit to the programme, bringing your full self and full presence, and to come with an open mind and heart.


We also ask that you make sure you drink plenty of water before, during and after to support the purification process.


“Steph has the most magnetic energy I have ever experienced, which came through in this training. She has a wealth of knowledge and I could’ve sat listening to her speak for hours.  She made me feel comfortable and at ease at every stage and held space for me to experience the training in a way that resonated with me.  After this training, I feel more like myself than I ever have and I will definitely be doing more training with Steph in the future.”



"The Elemental Reiki Programme has been mind blowing.  I was a little bit cautious of doing the work online, but Steph holds such a safe and sacred space. I found doing the healings in person really powerful but the online sessions that I have been doing are even more powerful. It is absolute magick and I would recommend to anyone who is interested in doing energy work. This has been life-changing for me, it's shown me how to really tune in and trust my intuition, I realised so much about myself as a healer that I am able to pick up other peoples pain or discomfort in my own body first and then be able to flow the reiki energy through them.  I am so grateful to have met Steph and let her be my guide on this beautiful journey.  I can't wait to do the Advanced Healing :-)."  



Until you take this class you will never know how much of your energy has been buried.

I was buried alive and I wasn't aware of it!    


This class is the most important work you will ever do for yourself.  If you feel at all guided to do this, please trust yourself and go for it.  It will bring the most amazing healing and positive change for you and all those around you.


Pay in Full


Payment Plan

3 x £240

Contact Us to find out when our next Elemental Reiki Programme is on.