Ostara Healers

The Ostara Healers Programme is a comprehensive training system which requires the pre-requisite of the Adept Programme and the Elemental Reiki System. This programme will be happening live in London and will be over a 5-day duration. You will be working within a healing temple receiving several powerful healing modalities. Some new paradigms and some which are ancient handed down within the lineage.

This programme will also include an Arch Angel Raphael healing temple experience so attending will be extremely healing for oneself.


Some of the work covered:

Creating a healing space

What it means to be a healer

Full Balancing review

24- Strand DNA Activation Modality

DNA Reading

Star Seed Healing Modality

Unified Chakra Awakening

Advanced Etheric Reconstruction  

Ensofic Spirit Reiki

Group Reiki Healing Modality

Raphael Healing Temple Experience


All tools and equipment will be provided as part of the training. Including certification. You will receive a crystal wand, healing stones, a chime, a tuning fork and more.



Adam Kadmon 24-strand DNA Activation 

The Adam Kadmon Activation is the full 24-strand DNA activation designed to open us up and prepare us for our return to a divine state of being. This is an activation of the spiritual strands in our DNA and divine blueprint, which heightens our connection with our higher self. It enables you to hold more light within your physical body and brings forth unrealised gifts. This session also activates the Galactic and Divinity codes within the DNA.


Starseed Healing 

The Starseed healing reorganises the vibrations surrounding the human body that are lost on a daily basis. This healing uses crystals, chimes and a tuning fork to cleanse and harmonise your body’s energetic system at 50 different points, it balances the body at a cellular level. It helps clear our mind clutter and balances our full energy system. This is very good for anyone struggling with any form of addiction. This is a form of sound healing.


Unified Chakra Awakening

This session activates 2,418 chakra points on the body which are part of the original divine blueprint and have always been a part of our pure potential. This is done through the activation of 102 points on the body, which awakens a cluster of chakras. This helps bring Christ consciousness to the light body, providing you with a deeper connection to your spiritual essence. 


EnSof Spirit Reiki

This newly evolved form of reiki is both powerful and gentle and provides deep purification, healing, empowerment, and guidance. This is the final step of the elemental reiki system attuning you to the element of Spirit/ En sof. You will learn to flow this energy, learning to deliver group sessions and a powerful modality that brings down the various rays of Ensof. The energy is highly refined and attunes you to the pure life force energy that is responsible for creating the very fabric of our universe.


This is for anyone:

-       Wanting to deepen their only healing journey and learn tools and techniques to support their journey.

-       Wanting to take responsibility for their own healing, path and growth.

-       Someone seeking to be of more service to others, the community, and the planet.

-       Someone with an open mind.

-       Anyone drawn to the path of the healer and wants to explore this dimension of self

-       Wanting to deepen the path of know themselves

-       Anyone seeking evolution/ rapid transformation

-       Anyone wanting to study healing within a traditional lineage

-       Anyone looking to gain more control over their mind/ negative ego

-       Anyone seeking energetic integrity and hygiene practices to help evolve their practice and service to others 

-       Anyone drawn to the mysteries of life and the universe

-       Anyone who desires a deeper connection to their guides and guardians.

-       Learn to connect deeper and receive guidance through alchemical meditation practices

-       Ready to take responsibility for their personal life path and evolution

-       For someone ready to step into their power and take ownership of the responsibility of that shift.



Frequently asked questions

1.     How long is the programme?

Five days full days long.


2.     What can I expect from a group programme?

The group containers are small, so everyone gets access to the teacher; this is also so everyone within the group gets the opportunity to share and ask questions.

The group sessions are particularly powerful as you also learn from the other people going through the journey with you, making connections and friendships.

You will also get to pair up and work with other people, which is great practice for building your confidence and experience as a practitioner.


3.     If I have any questions about the programme, where do I go?

 You can email questions to templeofostara@gmail.com or book a discovery call with me using the link below.


4.     Can I pay for it in instalments?

 Yes, we have an instalment option across three months of 3 payments for every programme.


5.     What if I miss a session?

 With this programme, every session must be attended live. If you have an emergency, then please contact us, and we will help you.


6.     How will I expect to feel during the programme?

 This is a programme which is designed to help you with your personal development, deep healing and transformation, this process can make you feel both up and down. There will be moments of high energy, clarity and joy and most likely moments of doubt, fear and fatigue as you begin breaking down old habits.


With the healer programme, you will integrate a lot of light and energy. Integrating various elemental attunements and tools can also make you feel both energised and tired at times. Some elements will be easier to work through than others, and this really depends on your elemental makeup.


Even when the process becomes challenging, I always encourage people to really stick it out until the end as this is where the breakthrough moment usually happens. Taking responsibility for your transformation means showing up consistently, no matter how you are feeling. This is how we move through the challenges, emotions, and resistance.


7.     How often do the programmes run?

We run the Ostara Healers programme only once a year.


8.     Do I need to do anything in preparation for this training?

To create the space to commit to the programme, bringing your full self and full presence, and to come with an open mind and heart.

Pay in Full


Payment Plan

3 x £425



Until you take this class, you will never know how much of your energy has been buried.

I was buried alive, and I wasn't aware of it!    


This class is the most important work you will ever do for yourself.  If you feel at all guided to do this, please trust yourself and go for it.  It will bring the most amazing healing and positive change for you and all those around you.



This programme was a total miracle, I came in one person and left a new being. It’s hard to find the words to explain how profound my experience was, but I would highly recommend this to anyone who is seeking the tools to create true magick and transformation.


Contact Us to find out when our next Healers Programme is on.